National Hydrological Plan
our action on the National HydroPlan in Spain is
supported by

by the Spanish governement in June 2001, the highly controversial Spanish
National Hydroelectric Plan (NHP) plans the building of 120 new dams
as well as huge transfers from the Ebro river to the south-east of Spain
and from the Rhône river
to Barcelona. Since it is contrary to sustainable development objectives,
all environmental and other NGOs, as well as numerous academics, scientists,
unions and political parties are trying to stop this project. They are
mainly trying to block the funding from the European Union. The EU is
indeed supposed to finance 40% or more of this project that contradicts
the new European Water Framework Directive.
elaborated by the Ministry of Environment is a legislative text, which
includes a list of "investments" (or "interventions",
i.e. the
proposed water infrastructure and other works) for the whole of the
Spanish territory (a total of 863 water infrastructure and other works),
and a series of annexes containing different supporting documents, such
as an analysis of the hydraulic systems, the identification and allocation
of resources in shared aquifers, an economic analysis of the planned
interventions, etc.
As explained in the rationale of the legislative proposal, the central
issue of the proposed NHP is the regulation of water resources by transfer
from catchments that have (so-called) water "in excess" to
catchments with a (so-called) "water deficit", which is considered
to be the most suitable solution to satisfy water demands throughout
the national territory. In this context, the NHP points out that water
transfers are only proposed for cases where it is necessary to ensure
urban water supply and to provide water to existing irrigation infrastructures
that are suffering from severe scarcity.
In addition to the already existing water transfers (e.g. Tajo-Segura)
and other minor hydraulic works, the Plan establishes the creation of
a new water transfer of 1,050 cubic hectometres per year from the Ebro
river to the following areas (involving the development of 381 water
infrastructure and other works): Catalonia (190 hm3), Comunidad Valenciana
(315 hm3), Murcia (450 hm3) and Almería (95 hm3). Except for
the 190 hm3 to be used for supplying fresh water to the urban area of
Barcelona, the remaining transferred volumes are reserved for the agricultural
areas that have "irrigation rights" or to improve the ecological
quality of water ecosystems subject to severe degradation in the Southwest
of Spain.
Along with the framework for regulation of the public hydraulic domain,
the NHP establishes the management of aquifers, the improvement of the
water use for urban supply, the development of awareness-raising activities
towards an efficient use of resources and the investment of public money
in R&D activities related to water resource management.
From an economical point of view, the plan includes a major expenditure
of 4,207 million Euro for the Ebro water transfer - to be executed in
8-10 years time - and other investments amounting to 8,869 million Euro
for a number of hydraulic works (dam construction and improvement of
irrigation infrastructures ), to be carried out during an in 8-year
period. Other sums are being reserved for desalination, water treatment
and supply (5,420 million Euro), water quality control (1,260 million
Euro), flood prevention and reforestation (3,294 million Euro). The
Government foresees that one third of the global cost (23,050 million
Euro) of the NHP will be paid by the European Union.
According to the figures given by the Ministry of Environment, the cost
of the water transfer will be of 0.3 Euro per cubic meter, both in the
urban and in the agricultural areas. The water price for the final user
will cover this cost and will be established using economical criteria.
The territories of the Ebro watershed that provide the water shall be
paid 0.03 Euro per transferred cubic meter to fund hydro-environmental
programmes in the Ebro area.
see also the following
interwiews (in french) :
Interwiew de PEDRO ARROJO dans le Bulletin de liaison de la "Plataforma
en Defensa de l'Ebre"
"LO RIU" juin 2001 (Traduction Valérie Valette, ERN)
accordé à Radio Zinzine par Pedro Arrojo, professeur d'économie
à l'université de Zaragosse et président du Congrès
Ibérique de Gestion de l'Eau, Juillet 2001)
PHN (format pdf, 553 KB)
(interactiv, El Pais) of the planned new dams (ext)
of water conflits in Spain (ext)
The Water Transfer
Rhone-Barcelona : the
project. (in French)
- Manifesto
"Reconciliation with rivers" presented by Coagret-Ebro
Vivo in Zaragoza on 14.03.03 (sp). Analys
New questions from the
Green Eurodeputies to the Europ. Com. about financing NHP and
the Cartagena Report, on feb.26.03. by Gianluca Solera (french
and spanish).
of argumentation in favor of the NHP, by Prof. M.
Chóliz Montañés, Psychology Dpt in Valencia
University. (in spanish).
from the Spanish govern. to the Europ. Commission
on jan. 08. 03 (spanish).
- A
new letter of the Europ. Commission to the Spanish Governement,
sent on dec.19. 02.
(in french) spanish
on demande
against NHP sent by WWF, EEB, Greenpeace, SEO Bird life and
Earth Friends, to the Europ. Commisionle President, on Nov.
- Interview extracts
of the Ramsar Convention President during the 8th Conference
in Valencia (23.11.02.)(fr)
insurgés du Delta" : article by L. Le Chatelier
in Telerama (27 july/2nd august 02) in french.
- 15-26 November 2002: 8th
Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention,
Valencia, Spain.
- 13-17
November 2002 : III Congreso
Ibérico sobre Gestión y Planificación del
Agua in Sevilla University, Spain, about the "Water
Frame : realities and futurs".
- Report
on the Ebro Delta prepared by Professors John Day (Louisiana
Univ.) and Edward Maltby
(London Univ.).
Sept. 02.Text in english and in spanish.
- "No to the P.I.D.E.
" the Integral
Proctection Plan for the Delta". text by the "Plataforma
en Defensa del Ebre"
Ebro transfert : Briefing for a reduction of environmental impacts"
: universitary essay
by Valérie Lacroix, student at the Environment Section
of the Bruxels Free University (june 2002)
- WWF: Seven Reasons To Stop The Spanish National Hydrological
Plan (june
- ERN position on the PHN. May 2002 (in french only, english
version soon)
- The letter
sent by the European Comission to the Spanish Government
on the 23rd may 2002 :
and questions based on the NHP analysis presented by the Spanish
government in January 2002 to the European Comission.
Analysis of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Document
of the NHP presented to the European Commission by the Spanish
Government (January 2002)
A document of the New Water Culture Foundation, prepared by
a scientists team under the direction of Professor Pedro Arrojo,
Dept. Of Economic Analysis, Zaragoza University.
- "Save the Delta
of Ebro" : main arguments against NHP compiled by the
"Plataforma of Defense of Ebro". February 2002.
- International
Conference Spanish Hydrologic Plan and Sustainable Water
Management Environmental aspects, water reuse and desalination
June, 13th - 14th, 2001 (ext - in Spanish)
the NPH will permit maintain and extension of non-sustainable
corn culture in semi-arid Castilla-La Mancha regions, by Antonio
Estevan. (in french and in spanish).
Sharing the waters of the iberian peninsula (10 pages)
Transrural Initatives (article, 1 page) (ext - in French),
4. October 2001
RAMSAR report on the Ebro delta (ext - English summary),
Sept 2001
Article NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in german, pdf)
15. Sept. 2001
The Blue March for a new water
culture in Europe, July/August 2001
"Spain and California compared
water managements" . Pedro Arrojo interviewed by "Lo
June 2001(in French)
The Manifesto of
New Water Culture Fondation (french
and spanish)
When the rain in Spain is not enough article
by Octavi Marti, "Courrier de l’UNESCO" (engl./french),
December 2000
opposition to the NHP in the Pyrenneans mountains.
por una Nueva Cultura del Agua : New Water Culture Foundation
(english/spanish/portugues site) Spanish scientists engaged
for a New Water Culture (Zaragoza University).
Movements against NHP Coordination in the Pyrenneans (in Zaragoza).
Plataforma en Defensa del Ebre
Social Movement Platform for the Defence of the River
Ebro, in the Ebro Delta
- Information about water management
problems and hydrological politicy in Spain (in Spanish)
Spanish Ministry of Environment / PHN page (ext - in Spanish)
- Natural
Parc of the Ebro Delta (ext. in english and spanish)
pictures about the fight and actions against NHP by the Plataforma
en Defensa del Ebre
Press pictures and resume from the Blue March in Mallorca island
on may 2002 (in french, ERNs website)
from the Blue March accross Spain, France and Germany until
on august 2001 (ERNs website)
- Pictures
of year 2000 demonstrations in Zaragoza (400 000 people),
Madrid and Barcelone (250 000)
More pictures on actions against the NHP (externe,
in Spanish)
Campaign Calendar Of The Platform For The Defense Of The River
- Interwiews
with Prof. Pedro Arrojo (in
NEWS : the current
events of the NHP
: Water transfers back on Spain's agenda
: Spain: A turnaround in water management (WWF )
: Visca l'Ebre! (Long live the Ebro!): The Ebro Delta
celebrates! (Ebro water transfer is abolished )
: Spain Puts Last Touches to New Ebro Water Plan
: EU Commission pans Spanish water transfer plan
: EU : Decision delayed on Spanish water transfer
: Espagne/PHN : NGOs call for sending e mail to EU
: EU Commission's Environment Directorate support
for the the Jucár-Vinalopó Project,
what is a part of the highly criticised Ebro transfer
: The european campaign for a new water culture and
against the spanish hydrological plan opens the "blue
embassy" on wednesday november 5 , 2003
: Spain : New Water Culture Foundation and WWF Report
: the Ebro water transfer is a waste of money.
: NHP : urgent alegation to sign against Ebro water
tansferts (in engl/french/spanish).
: European co-financing of NHP blocked by the Environment
European Commission (fr/eng)
16.06.03 : Eviction
of Itoitz village : people is resisting (fr/sp).
06.05.03 : Water
transfers are increasing the water crisis (EEB/WWF)
17.04.03 : (ext) Ebro :spain public opinion divided
: Pedro Arrojo, leader of the mouvment against the
spanish Hydroplan, wins Goldman Price 2003.
: 30 000 people celebrated World Water Day in the
Ebro Delta.
: international video-conference by internet :"Debating
the water transfers of the Spanish National Hydrological
: Spain designates 10 new RAMSAR sites and extends
an existing one
: Spain : Hundred of Thousands protest in favor of
polemic water plan (AP)
: New
questions from the Green Eurodeputies to the Europ.
Com. about financing NHP and the Cartagena Report,
on feb.26.03. by Gianluca Solera (french and spanish).
EU tax payers should not fund Spain's damaging water
plan (WWF)
: Analysis of argumentation in favor of the NHP, by
Prof. M. Chóliz Montañés, Psychology
Dpt in Universidad de Valencia University. (sp). on
: Report on the Ebro Delta prepared by Professors
John Day and Edward Maltby
: The
answer from the Spanish govern. to the Europ. Commission.(spanish)
: A new letter of the Europ. Commission to the Spanish
sent on dec.19. 02.
(in french or spanish).
27.11.02: "Dam
decisions" put Spain in the hotseat (WWF pressrelease)
26.11.02 : NGOs
protest to Prodi over spanish Water Plan
Marcha al Mediterraneo : Demonstration in Valencia
: Rhone-Barcelone water transfert : project of a submarine
: the Catalan government will ask tomorrow the Rhône
water transfert to the Madrid central government during
a non-official meeting.
: Marcha of the Ebro and the Rhone : 17 000 walkers
on the stage of Tortosa (Delta of Ebro). 09.11.02
: Espagne/France: Marches (Marcha al mediterraneo)
against water transfers are on their way, on the Ebro
and Rhône rivers, heading to Valencia for the
Ramsar Convention on November 24th.
18.10.02: WWF: Spanish Government's figures and
data on National Hydrological Plan's Ebro Transfer
benefits are wrong and misleading
: Spain/France :"Marcha al Mediterraneo"
organised by the opposition to the PHN will start
from Ebro, Jucar and Segura basins and Rhone basin
to arrive at the Ramsar Convention in Valencia (Spain)
from 10.30. to 11.23.02. (fr/sp).
: Meeting on the Rhone river transfert to Barcelona,
on the 28 september 02 in Girona, Spain. (french and
: Objections against conection water nets between
Tarragona y Ter-Llobregat : text available.
: The walk of the "Water Pilgrims" from
Spain to Brussels on september : Programm and registration.
: Universitary essay about impacts reduction of the
Ebro river transfert (english), by Valérie
: the TRASAGUA Spanish state company, charged to realise
the Ebro transfert, gave his report.(french).
: The Spanish Environment Ministery sent his answer
to the European Commision about the NHP.(french)
: Spanish press resume about Catalan delegation's
visit to the BRL Cie at Nîmes on the 18th July.
18.07.02 : Is the Water Transfer Project from
the Rhone Delta to Barcelona back ? (fr and spanish).
NGOs Protest against the visite of the Number Two
of the Catalan Party in France (Nîmes)
13.07.02 : Day of action and information about
NHP in the Barcelona Contemporain Cultural Center.
: the Spanish Supreme Court cancels the expropriation
decided by the Ministers Council in 1998 of lands
needed for filling the Santaliestra dam (Spanish Pyrennees).
21.02.06 :at
the hearing of the Petitions Committee, the Greens
call for a parliamentary delegation being sent to
Spain to investigate the effects of the PHN on the
19.06.02 : the
European Parliament's Petitions Committee discuss
10 petitions on the PHN on Wednesday June 19 at 4
: Itoiz dam gets the green light after all.
: Questions sent by the European Commission to the
Spanish Government about
the NHP on the 23rd May 02. (Integral text in engl
/french /spanish on demand).
28.05.02: Spanish
National Hydrological Plan : Informal meeting with
Commissioner Barnier
EU delays decision to fund Spanish water plan
25.05.02 : The Blue March in Majorca island and
the Demonstration in Palma ( 8 to 10 000 persons).
Press photos and resume in
french and in spanish.
A new Blue Marche and a Demonstration against P.H.N.,
in the Majorca Island during the European Summit of
Environment Ministers, from 24 to 26 May 2002.
Spanish supreme court deals blow to Itoiz dam
10.03.02: Barcelona: 400-500'000 against the spanish
National Hydrological Plan
Spanish water transfer plan "finalised"
The EP Environment Committee approves the am. against
the PHN.
New demonstrations against the NHP.
Call for demonstration against PHN : 17 February there
will be a demonstration (about 20,000) in the Delta,
starting in the Town Hall of Deltebre at 11.00am.
Analysis of the environnemental assessment document
presented to the European Parliament by the Spanish
government. A
document of the New Water Culture Foundation.
(In english - available in spanish on request - PDF
30.01.02: March
10 : Important demonstration for a new water culture
and against the Spanish National Hydrological Plan
in Barcelona
Spanish Presidency's contradictory environmental plans
! (Pressrelease The Greens/European Free
Alliance in the European Parliament)
Spain's environment ministry published an environmental
assessment of the country's controversial national
hydrological plan
Spain notifies EU of controversial water plan
European Parliament passes an important amendment
against the Spanish Hydrological Plan
The Blue Marche brings its claims to the European
Union in Brussels
Spanish parliament passes controversial water law
: Thousands march to protest the national hydraulic
: Spanish government approves controversial water
: European Commission insists on "Environmental
Analysis" of Spanish National Hydrological Plan.

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© Copyright of European Rivers Network.