"Al Mediterraneo
" marches start from the Ebro, Jucar and Segura basins (Spain)
and from the Rhône basin (France) and will converge on November
24th in Valencia for the 8th UN's Ramsar Convention conference.
The marches are organized by COAGRET, the Plataforma en defensa del
and many spanish organizations an ERN (EUROPEAN
The Marches will
all converge on November 24th in Valencia for an important demonstration
(the last demonstration of the 10th of March 2002 gathered more than
400,000 people in Barcelona). This demonstration for a New Water
Culture and against the NHP (and the water transfers) will
start at 12:00 AM, Plaza de San Agustin.
The 8th conference
on the UN's Ramsar Convention will take place in Valencia, Spain, from
the 15th to the 26th of November. This Convention gather representatives
of the Ministries of Environment of 130 countries.
This international
meeting gives the opportunity to the opponents of the NHP to make themselves
heard. "We have to hurry", declares a representative of the
movement "the Popular party (M. Aznar's), wants to convince everyone
that the transfer from the Ebro river is something than can not be cancelled,
that there is no need to question anything any more. It is clear that
we cannot let them win this round !!"
"It is not a battle against the communities that are waiting to
receive the Ebro water" explain one of the spokesmen "but
an opportunity to express our concerns and to defend our preference
for a New Water Culture".
The Rhône
is a target of the NHP too : its transfer to Barcelona is used as
a compensation to the transfer of the Ebro water to the South. For the
French ecologists the idea is therefore to join the general Spanish
movement and to use this opportunity to communicate about the PHN and
the transfers of the Ebro and Rhône rivers.
ERN organises an
"Information Caravan". It will start on November 9th in Nîmes
(headquarters of the BRL, the company promoting the Rhône to Barcelona
transfer project). It will go through Montpellier on November 12th,
Narbonne on the 13th, Perpignan on the 14th and will reach the Spanish
border in la Jonquera on November 15th (night in Barcelona).
The march will reach Barcelona on the 16th (night in Xerta). On the
17th, the march will get to Tortosa in the Ebro delta. On the 18th it
will reach the small port of Sant Carles de la Rapita. On the following
days, the French march will go on together with the Ebro's Marcha al
ERN wishes to rely
on local initiatives to organise activities on each stage of the Information
March on the Rhône transfer.
Catalan people from the POT (Plataforma d'Oposicion als Transvasaments)
will take part in the French march. They will show that Catalonia has
enough water but has a water management problem which will cannot be
solved by an increased dependence.
further information :
Ebro - "Marcha al Mediterraneo" in French
and Spanish.
- Rhone
- "Marcha al Mediterraneo"
on 9 nov. near of Nimes in French
or in Spanish
Stage on 11 nov. near of Montpellier in French
or in Spanish
Stage on 12 nov. near of Narbonne in French
or in Spanish
Stage on 13 nov. at Perpignan in French
or in Spanish
Stage on 15
nov. from the Spanish Frontier into the Girona area in French
or in Catalan
- Stages from nov.15 to 17 and
call to the demonstration in ROQUETES (in Catalan)
of the Valencia demonstration on nov. 24.02.
(in French)
- background information on the
National Hydro Plan (english, french, spanish)
- background informations
on the Rhone - Barcelona Transfer (french only)
- link to the
Convention Ramsar.
- link to the spanish official website Marcha
al Mediterraneo, in english also

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