: More water send from Tagus to dry southeast
12.05.06 : Black water market
drying out Spain says WWF.
19.12.05 : Water transfers
back on Spain's agenda
01.07.05 : Marshland restoration
in Spains Doñana National Park
11.02.05 : Spain (Ecotaxe on
water), Government backs down (Edie News)
19.01.05 : Spain : preparations
made should drought continue (if the lack of rain continues)
17.12.04 : Zaragossa was elected
to welcome the next Universal Exposition (f)
26.11.04 : Spanish supreme
court annuls water transfer (Environment Daily)
18.08.04 : Spain: A turnaround
in water management (WWF)
19.06.04 : Visca l'Ebre! (Long
live the Ebro!): The Ebro Delta celebrates! (Ebro water transfer
is abolished )
03.05.04 : Spain Puts Last
Touches to New Ebro Water Plan
08.03.04 : EU Commission pans
Spanish water transfer plan
17.12.03 : EU : Decision delayed
on Spanish water transfer
08.12.03 : Espagne/PHN : NGOs
call for sending e mail to EU Commisioners
04.12.03 : EU Commission's Environment
Directorate support for the the Jucár-Vinalopó Project,
what is a part of the highly criticised Ebro transfer
07.11.03 : The european campaign
for a new water culture and against the spanish hydrological plan
opens the "blue embassy" on wednesday november 5 , 2003
28.07.03 : Spain : New Water
Culture Foundation and WWF Report : the Ebro water transfer is a
waste of money.
06.05.03 : Water transfers
are increasing the water crisis (EEB/WWF)
17.04.03 : EU Commission sends
warnings to Ireland, France, Spain and Greece Spain is questioned
about the River Ulla
(Edie News) (e)
: (ext) Ebro :spain public opinion divided
14.04.03 :Pedro Arrojo, leader of the
mouvment against the spanish national Hydro Plan wins Goldman Price
13.03.03 : International video-conference
by internet :"Debating the water transfers of the Spanish National
Hydrological Plan"
08.03.03 : Spain designates
10 new RAMSAR sites and extends an existing one
02.03.03 : Spanien: Hundred
of Thousands protest in favor of polemic water plan (AP)
: New questions from the Green Eurodeputies to the Europ. Com. about
financing NHP and the Cartagena Report, on feb.26.03. by Gianluca
Solera (french and spanish).
EU tax payers should not fund Spain's damaging water plan (WWF)
: Analysis of argumentation in favor of the NHP,
by Prof. M. Chóliz Montañés, Psychology Dpt
in Universidad de Valencia University. (sp).
: Report on the Ebro
Delta prepared by Professors John Day and Edward Maltby
: The
answer from the Spanish govern. to the Europ. Commission.(spanish).
: a new letter from the Europ. Commision to the Spanish Governement
about PHN questions.(fr & sp)
27.11.02: "Dam decisions"
put Spain in the hotseat (WWF pressrelease)
26.11.02 : NGOs protest to Prodi
over spanish Water Plan
: Marcha al Mediterraneo : Demonstration in Valencia (fr).
23.11.02 : Interview
extracts of Ramsar President during the 8th Conference in Valencia.
(fr & esp).
23.11.02 : Rhone-Barcelone
water transfert : project of a submarine pipe.(fr)
20.11.02 : Spain : the Valencian
government worries about the European subventions for the NHP and
wants to accelerate the beginning of building.(fr)
18.11.02 : the Catalan government
will ask tomorrow the Rhône water transfert to the Madrid
central government during a non-official meeting.
17.11.02 : Marcha of the Ebro
and the Rhone : 17 000 walkers on the stage of Tortosa (Delta of
09.11.02 : Espagne/France:
Marches (Marcha al mediterraneo) against water transfers are on
their way, on the Ebro and Rhône rivers, heading to Valencia
for the Ramsar Convention on November 24th.
29.10.02: First Of Two Ramsar
Advisory Missions To Doñana 18.10.02:
WWF: Spanish Government's figures and data on National Hydrological
Plan's Ebro Transfer benefits are wrong and misleading
: Spain/France :"Marcha al Mediterraneo" organised by
the opposition to the PHN will start from Ebro, Jucar and Segura
basins and Rhone basin to arrive at the Ramsar Convention in Valencia
(Spain) from 10.30. to 11.23.02. (fr/sp).
28.09.02 : Meeting of opposition
to the Rhone river transfert to Barcelona, on the 28 september 02
in Girona, Spain. (french and spanish).
04.09.02 : Spain/PHN : 39
000 objections signed against connection water in Tarragona, first
step to the transfert of Ebro water to Barcelona.(fr/sp).
24.08.02 : Objections
against conection water nets between Tarragona y Ter-Llobregat :
text available.
24.08.02 : The
walk of the "Water Pilgrims" from Spain to Brussels on
september : Programm and registration.
13.08.02 : "No to the
P.I.D.E." the Integral
Proctection Plan for the Delta". text by the "Plataforma
en Defensa del Ebre"
: Universitary essay about impacts reduction of the Ebro river transfert
(english), by Valérie Lacroix/F.U.Bruxels.
29.07.02 : the TRASAGUA
Spanish state company, charged to realise the Ebro transfert, gave
his report.(french).
29.07.02 : The Spanish Environment
Ministery sent his answer to the European Commision about the NHP.(french)
21.07.02. : Water Transfer
from the Rhone Delta to Barcelona: Spanish press resume about Catalan
delegation's visit to the BRL Cie at Nîmes on the 18th July.
: Is the Water Transfer Project from the Rhone Delta
to Barcelona back ? (fr and spanish). NGOs Protest against the visite
of the Number Two of the Catalan Party in France/Nîmes
(french an spanish)
the Plataforme de Défense de l'Ebre and the the Green Party
during the protest
: Day of action and information about NHP in the Barcelona Cultural
Contemporan Center.
01.07.02 : the Spanish Supreme
Court cancels the expropriation decided by the Ministers Council in
1998 of lands needed for filling the Santaliestra dam (Spanish Pyrennees).
21.02.06 :at the hearing of the
Petitions Committee, the Greens call for a parliamentary delegation
being sent to Spain to investigate the effects of the PHN on the environment.
19.06.02 : the European Parliament's
Petitions Committee discuss 10 petitions on the PHN on Wednesday June
19 at 4 PM.
17.06.02 : Spain : Itoiz dam gets the
green light after all.
: Questions sent by the European Commission to the Spanish Government
about the NHP on
the 23rd May 02.
(integral text in english / french / spanish)
28.05.02: Spanish National Hydrological
Plan : Informal meeting with Commissioner Barnier
27.05.02: EU delays decision
to fund Spanish water plan
25.05.02 : The Blue March in the
Majorca island and the Demonstration ( 8 to 10 000 persons) in Palma
(Press photos and resume in french
and in spanish)
21.05.02: Spain : protests against
Itoiz dam
13.05.02 : A new Blue Marche
and a Demonstration against P.H.N., in the Majorca Island during the
European Summit of Environment Ministers, from 24 to 26 May 2002.
10.05.02 : How the NPH will permit
maintain and extension of non-sustainable corn culture in semi-arid
Castilla-La Mancha
regions. By Antonio Estevan (in french
and in spanish).
23.04.02: Spanish supreme court
deals blow to Itoiz dam
10.03.02 : Barcelona: 400-500'000
against the spanish National Hydrological Plan
08.03.02 : Spanish water transfer
plan "finalised"
24.02.02: The EP Environment
Committee approves the am. against the PHN.
18.02.02: New demonstrations
against the NHP.
15.02.02: Call for demonstration against PHN : 17 February there will
be a demonstration (about 20,000) in the Delta, starting in the Town
Hall of Deltebre at 11.00am.
12.02.02: Analysis
of the environnemental assessment document of the National Hydrological
Plan presented to the European Parliament by the Spanish government.
document of the New Water Culture Foundation.
(In english - available in spanish on request - PDF format)
08.02.02: Outcry as largest Europe
dam opens
30.01.02: March 10 : Important
demonstration for a new water culture and against the Spanish National
Hydrological Plan in Barcelona
24.01.02: Spanish Presidency's
contradictory environmental plans ! (Pressrelease The Greens/European
Alliance in the European Parliament)
24.01.02: Spain's environment
ministry published an environmental assessment of the country's controversial
national hydrological plan
24.01.02: Spain notifies EU of
controversial water plan
15.11.01: European Parliament
passes an important amendment against the Spanish Hydrological Plan.
09.10.01 :The Commission on Environment
of the European Parliament approves the amendment against the Spanish
National Hydrological Plan. (eng & fr)
12.09.01: Long-awaited report.
RAMSAR mission report on Ebro delta now available
11.09.01: The Blue Marche brings
its claims to the European Union in Brussels
05.09.01: Portugal/Alqueva: Biggest
Europe reservoir to start filling year en
01.09.01: The Blue
Marche for a new Water Culture : Press Conference in Parliament House
(Assemblée Nationale) in Paris on september 4th (fr)
29.08.01: The " Blue Marche
For a New Water Culture in Europe" (Spain-Brussels) in Lyon and
10.08.01: Spain, victim of its
02.07.01: Europe/Spain: Blue
March for a new water culture (eng & fr)
21.06.01: Spanish parliament
passes controversial water law
05.05.01 : Condemnation of Europe's
largest reservoir project grows
04.04.01 : Portugal: Alqueva
Dam: Over 1 million trees are to be cut down, and hundreds of people
are being displaced.
13.03.01 : Protesters urge
Spain to scrap water plan
25.02.01 : Thousands march to
protest the national hydraulic plan
17.02.01 : Spanish government
approves controversial water plan
12.02.01 : Portugal : Activists
are fighting against the biggest dam project of Europe.
08.01.01 : Spain appeals ruling
in toxic spill case
: The government mulls appeal of toxic spill ruling.
: Spanish judge closes case in massive toxic spill
: European Commission insists on "Environmental Analysis"
of Spanish National Hydrological Plan. (angl)
: Spain : Friends of the Earth demand reform to the national hydrological
plan (PHN)