
- 22.12.02
: Russia : will the Ob river be diverted ?
- 21.12.02
: ALCOA (AA.N) finalises Iceland smelter talks
- 20.12.02
: Conference River Basin Management 2003, 28 - 30 April 2003, Las
Palmas, Gran Canaria - Spain
- 19.12.02
: Final nail in the coffin of Finnish dam plan
- 19.12.02
: Polish Parliament’s refusal to allocate public spending on building
the Nieszawa Dam in the Lower Vistula. (WWF Pressrelease)
- 12.12.02
: UN embarks on International Year Of Freshwater 2003
- 09.12.02
: Drinking water is a human right
- 05.12.02
: China: Powerful new corporation plans more Yangtze megadams
- 02.12.02
: Farmed sturgeon 'only hope for caviar'
- 28.11.02
: Rubber from tyres damages aquatic habitats
- 27.11.02
: "Dam decisions" put Spain in the hotseat (WWF pressrelease)
- 26.11.02
: NGOs protest to Prodi over spanish Water Plan
- 25.11.02
: China: a gigantic water transfer project
- 24.11.02
: Marcha al Mediterraneo
: Demonstration in Valencia (fr).
- 23.11.02
: NHP : interview extracts of the Ramsar President in Valencia.(fr)
- 23.11.02
: Rhone-Barcelone water transfert : project of a submarine pipe.(fr)
- 20.11.02
: Spain : the Valencian government worries about the European subventions
for the NHP and wants to accelerate beginning of building.(fr)
- 19.11.02
: the Environment Spanish minister absent for the opening of the 8th
Conference on Ramsar Convention in Valencia.(fr).
- 18.11.02
: the Catalan government will ask tomorrow the Rhône water transfert
to the Madrid central government during a non-official meeting.
- 17.11.02
: Marcha of the Ebro and the Rhone : 17 000 walkers on the stage of
Tortosa (Delta of Ebro).
- 15.11.02
: Iceland/Karahnjukar Hydropower Project: Alcoa, developing a $3 billion
smelter, buys Icelandic-Norwegian company
- 10.11.02
: France/Loire
river - Salmon Foundation: research, development and future for the
Haut Allier salmon hatchery. (fr)
- 09.11.02
: Espagne/France: Marches (Marcha al mediterraneo) against water transfers
are on their way, on the Ebro and Rhône rivers, heading to Valencia
for the Ramsar Convention on November 24th.
- 17.11.02
: Marcha of the Ebro and the Rhone : 17 000 walkers on the stage of
Tortosa (Delta of Ebro).
- 15.11.02
: Iceland/Karahnjukar Hydropower Project: Alcoa, developing a $3 billion
smelter, buys Icelandic-Norwegian company
- 10.11.02
: France/Loire
river - Salmon Foundation: research, development and future for the
Haut Allier salmon hatchery. (fr)
- 09.11.02
: Espagne/France: Marches (Marcha al mediterraneo) against water transfers
are on their way, on the Ebro and Rhône rivers, heading to Valencia
for the Ramsar Convention on November 24th.
- 30.10.02
: Upgrading dams could light 30 million US homes
- 30.10.02
: The European Water Framework Directive: An Approach To Integrated
River Basin Management
- 29.10.02
: First Of Two Ramsar Advisory Missions To Doñana
- 28.10.02
: More and more dam removal in us: Oregon dam removals set stage for
new wildlife area
- 18.10.02
: WWF: Spanish Government's figures and data on National Hydrological
Plan's Ebro Transfer benefits are wrong and misleading
- 17.10.02
: Ilisu/Turkey: the German governmental development agency will not
participate to a Hermès credit for the Ilisu dam project. (germ)
- 16.10.02
: Dams threaten Cambodia's "floods of fortune"
- 10.10.02
: Germany : Government stops construction works on the rivers Elbe
and Saale. The newly elect Green and Social parties inaugurate a new
river policy. (German)
- 04.10.02
: Spain/France :"Marcha al Mediterraneo" organised by the
opposition to the PHN will start from Ebro, Jucar and Segura basins
and Rhone basin to arrive at the Ramsar Convention in Valencia (Spain)
from 10.30. to 11.23.02. (fr/sp).
- 03.10.02
: Farmed salmon 'infect wild fish'
- 03.10.02
: English and Welsh rivers 'improving'
- 01.10.02
: Rainfall
Research To Aid Flood Control
- 01.10.02
: U.S. wants to flood Canyon to save native fish
- 19.09.02
: Suez/Ondeo/Lyonnaise-des-Eaux libel case against French economist
Jean-Philippe Joseph over his public reference to their corruption
record will be heard in Paris October 2002. (fr)
- 18.09.02
: International
Rivers Network Statement on the World Summit on Sustainable Development
- 17.09.02
: Germany to review river developments after floods.
- 13.09.02
: UK: A water framework full of promise - but promises must be kept
- 12.09.02
: Snake River Dams to Be Improved, Not Breached
- 12.09.02
: China : Giant dam could cause geological disasters
- 10.09.02
: China to list dam company, raise over $360 mln
- 09.09.09
: unprecedented precipitations cause devastating floods int the France
south-east, mainly in the Gard department (french).
- 05.09.02
: EU Commission propose scientifique support for flood warning system
- 04.09.02
: Spain/PHN : 39 000 objections signed against connection water in
Tarragona, first step to the transfert of Ebro water to Barcelona.(fr/sp).
- 02.09.02
: World Bank to examin dam projects on Bio Bio river
- 30.08.02
: EU said it hopes to set upa distaster relief fund of up to one billion
Euros after floods caused havoc Germany, AUstria, Czech Republic and
- 29.08.02
: Turkey may be selling fresh water to Israel but it is extremely
short of water itself
- 28.08.02
: Announcement: Meeting of opposition to the Rhone river transfert
to Barcelona, on the 28 september 02 in Girona, Spain. (fr/sp).
- 26.08.02
: An Agreement to End Commercial Salmon Fishing Signed.
- 24.08.02
: Objections
against conection water nets between Tarragona y Ter-Llobregat (Spain
/ NHP) : text available.
- 24.08.02
: A new Blue March from Spain to Brussels on september : Programm
and registration.
20.08.02 : Giant Chinese Lake Threatens to Flood Millions
- 20.08.02
: Pollution fears as floods continue in Europe
- 19.08.02
: European Floods Sweep North and East
: European governments urged to adopt five-point plan against flooding
- 16.08.02
:Elbe river: record floods sweep Dresden
- 15.08.02
:Elbe Vulnerable as Czech Chemical Factory Floods
- 13.08.02
:Dams Strain to Hold Back Danube
- 12.08.02
: Russian Flood Death Toll Reaches 58
- 10.08.02
:Floods in Eastern Europe: 23 or more deaths (german)
- 09.08.02
:Four feared dead in Czech floods, 2,000 evacuated
- 07.08.02
: the TRASAGUA Spanish state company, charged to realise the Ebro
transfert, gave his report to the affected administrations and experts.(fr).
: The Spanish Environment Ministery sent his answer to the European
Commision about the NHP.(fr)
- 02.08.02
: "The Politics of Restoring American Rivers," forthcoming book
: "Watershed: the Undamming of America" a book review
- 26.07.02
: Netherlands: Public Consultation Concerning 'Space For The River'
- 24.07.02
: USA: 63 Dams Slated for Removal in 2002
- 24.07.02
: EEB Call for candidates (Conf.Organizer)
- 23.07.02
: Iceland choose smelter, Hydro project over park. The pact, signed
Friday, drew immediate condemation by NGOs.
- 22.07.02
: Russian Waterways Become A Part of the European Inland Waterway
: NGO Trinational Initiative for the Morava-Dyje Floodplains wins
Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award 2002
- 21.07.02:
International Congress On Conservation And Rehabilitation Of Dams,
11-13 November 2002, Madrid - Spain
: Water Transfer Rhone-Barcelona: Summary of the reaction of the
spanish medias after the visite visite of the katalan delegation
in the headquater of the BRL in Nïmes (fr+sp)
: Is the Water Transfer Project from the Rhone Delta
to Barcelona back ? (fr and spanish). NGOs Protest against the visite
of the Number Two of the Catalan Party in France (Nîmes)
ERN, the
Plataforme de Défense de l'Ebre and the the Green Party during
the protest
: DECLARATION OF POSADAS (expressed as the conclusion of the
Third Meeting of the Latin American Network against Dams and for
Rivers,their Communities, and Water, held in Posadas, Misiones province,(Argentina)
on 11, 12 and 13 July, 2002
: 80-100
000 people on the Elbe River banks and 6000 swimmers a long the
river : Big success for the First
international Elbe-Swimmingday for a "Living Elbe".
: 14 July 2002 : First international Elbe
: the Spanish Supreme Court cancels the expropriation decided by
the Ministers Council in 1998 of lands needed for filling the Santaliestra
dam (Spanish Pyrennees).
:at the hearing of the Petitions Committee, the Greens call for
a parliamentary delegation being sent to Spain to investigate the
effects of the PHN on the environment.
: the European Parliament's Petitions Committee discuss 10 petitions
against the PHN on Wednesday June 19 at 4 PM.
: Spain : Itoiz dam gets the green light after all.
: China floods kill at least 205, toll set to rise
: Questions sent by the European Commission to the Spanish Government
about the NHP
on the 23rd May 02. (engl., french, spanish)
- 04.06.02
: Syrian dam collapses
- 27.05.02
: EU delays decision to fund Spanish water plan
- 26.05.02
: Collaboration
on the management of polesie wetlands in Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine.
- 25.05.02
: The Baikal basin is extending
: Photos and summaru of the Blue March in Mallorca and its demonstration
in Palma ( 8 à 10 000 participants).
Espanola disponible.

Président des Baleares reçoit une carte des bassins
de l'Europe de la part de ERN
(Foto S. Amengual. Diario de Balears. 23.05.02)
- 21.05.02
: New Protests against Itoiz dam
- 17.05.02
: Dry Rio Grande point of U.S./Mexico friction
- 13.05.02
: A new Blue Marche and a Demonstration against P.H.N., in the Majorca
Island during the European Summit of Environment Ministers, from 24
to 26 May 2002.
- 10.05.02
Jucar River Basin: only in french: comment le PHN permettra le maintien
et l'extension de la culture non-soutenable du maïs sur les plateaux
semi-arides de la Castille et de la Mancha.par
Antonio ESTEVAN. (en français
et espagnol)
- 03.05.02
: Comeback of the canceld "Canal Rhin-Rhône"
- 03.05.02
: 5th International Conference On Environmental Future - Environmental
Future Of Aquatic Ecosystems - 23-27 March 2003 Eth Zurich, Switzerland
(First Call)
- 30.04.02
: Parched Uzbekistan Covets Russian River Waters
- 26.04.02
: Army Corps Suspends Delaware River Dredging Project
- 23.04.02
: Spanish supreme court deals blow to Itoiz dam
- 16.04.02
: African and U.N. leaders open an international conference on water
and sustainable development
- 11.04.02
: Three Gorges Dam will raise temperatures in central China, meteorologist
- 10.04.02
: Spanish national irrigation plan approved
- 10.04.02
: Colloquium "Mountain water management" in Megeve,
France, 5/6 September 2002.
10.04.02 : Young Student Summer School in Czech Republic "Reservoir
Water Quality Modelling And Management"
- 09.04.02
: Kazakh
fishing port haunted by ghost of dying sea
- 09.04.02
: Austria designates 11 th Ramsar site (Lafnitz river)
- 04.04.02
: International Rivers Network is offering a new information service.
- 04.04.02
: Flood-taming US agency a threat to rivers-report
- 04.04.02
: The world-wide opposition against dams criticized in the "Nouvel
Observateur" magazine : the answer from ERN and SOS Loire Vivante.
- 03.04.02
: Ukraine:
the Danube reserve is under threat
- 02.04.02
: US riverways create as much pollution as highways
- 02.04.02
: The River Nile and its economic, political, social and cultural
role. An annotated bibliography.
- 31.03.02
: Take action: Urge the World Bank to implement the World Commission
on Dams Recommondations (IRN/EDF)
- 30.03.02
: Colloquium on braided rivers, April 2003.
- 28.03.02
: World Water Day signals shift to integrated water management and
demand for new modelling tools.
- 28.03.02
: New €8.25 million Irish river basin management scheme
- 28.03.02
: "Waterwar in Spain" today on the german - french TV Channel
- 22.03.02
: Fifth international river management symposium "The scarcity
of water- the future of rivers, the future of water", 3 to 6
September 2002, Australia.
- 22.03.02
: Proceedings of the international colloquium "Lyon Fleuves 2001"
22.03.02 : World Water Day, Message of Kofi Annan, UN Secretary-General,
on the occasion of World Day for Water 2002
- 20.03.02
: Conference announcement :"River Basin Management Plans - Practical
Aspects And Economic Questions" 3 - 4 October 2002
- 19.03.02
: WISP's Discover European Wetlands Brochure Available From RAMSAR
- 19.03.02
: Lost European Delta Predicts The Future Of Modern-Day Rivers
- 15.03.02
: USA: Condit Dam (40 meters high) on the White Salmon River would
become one of the highest U.S. dams ever removed
- 14.03.02
: Citizens' Guide to the WCD Now Available!
- 14.03.02
: On March 14th, river activists from around
world unite for the International Day of Action Against Dams and for
Rivers, Water and Life.
- 13.03.02
: Brazilian
Dam Opponents Hold Week of Protests: 10 Injured
- 13.03.02
: A Major Victory as Amec Pulls out of Yusufeli Dam in Turkey
- 12.03.02
: European Parliament Committee To Criticise Slow Progress On
Urban Wastewater Treatment
- 10.03.02
: Barcelona: 400-500'000 against the spanish National Hydrological
- 09.03.02
: 'Underground dams' help clean recycled
water (??
- 08.03.02
: Spanish water transfer plan "finalised"
- 07.03.02
: Resumption Of Caspian Caviar Trade Could Mean Extinction
- 07.03.02
: Jailed Anti Dam Author released after one day
- 05.03.02
: Clean
Up Of UK Rivers And Coasts - Benefits For Wildlife And Drinking
- 27.02.02
: Swiss bank quits Turkish Ilisu dam project
- 26.02.02
: Germany : the parliamentary majority declares
its opposition to dam building on the last freeflowing section of
german Danube
- 24.02.02
: The EP Environment Committee approves the am. against the PHN.
- 22.02.02
: New technique compares pollution at different
- 19.02.02
: Nepal's New National Park Protects Kathmandu Water Supply
- 19.02.02
: Belize dam approval challenged in court
- 18.02.02
: New demonstrations against the NHP.
- 18.02.02
: International colloquium on Salmon, march 14-15th, Vancouver.
- 12.02.02
: Spain: Publication of an analysis of the
environnemental assessment document of the National Hydrological Plan
presented to the European Parliament by the Spanish government. A
document of the New Water Culture Foundation.
(In english - available in spanish on request - PDF format)
- 08.02.02
: Outcry as largest Europe dam opens
- 06.02.02
: New Report Examines Privatization's Dangers,
Calls For Stricter Standards
- 05.02.02
: Cree Approve New Agreement with Quebec
- 31.01.02
: New Danube Shipping Routes Ecologically and Economically Dangerous
says WWF in it new report
- 31.01.02
: World Wetlands Day 2002 (2 February):
"Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture"
- 31.01.02
: Conference announcement: UK : Public Participation under the
EC Water Framework Directive
- 30.01.02
: Impact of Belize dam in dispute
- 30.01.02
: March 10 : Important demonstration for a new water culture and
against the Spanish National Hydrological Plan in Barce lona
- 24.01.02
: Spanish Presidency's contradictory environmental
plans (Pressrelease The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European
Parliament) !
- 24.01.02
: Spain's environment ministry published
an environmental assessment of the country's controversial national
hydrological plan
- 24.01.02
: Spain notifies EU of controversial water
- 23.01.02
: 2003: International Year of Freshwater
- 22.01.02
: Successes and Failures in Gender Mainstreaming
in Integrated Water Resource Management: an E-conference (January
28 - - May 21)
- 22.01.02
: "Dialogues for the Earth" conference, 21-23 February.
- 21.01.02
: China/3 Gorges: Dam blasts spark pollution fear
- 21.01.02
: New "Ecological Expert Group" Launched For Ramsar
Management In The Danube River Basin
- 17.01.02
: Starting of the "Salmon Life" project on the Loire
river basin.
- 12.01.02
: A new book : "River Flood Defence".
- 11.01.02
: Dutch Water Management: River Waal To
Be Widened
- 10.01.02
: Congress
Urged To Reverse Missouri River Decline