
- 27.12.01: Outcomes
of the International Conference on Freshwater in Bonn
- 26.12.01: Poland:
WWF proposes a sustainable solution to the Wloclawek dam problem
- 21.12.01:
Vacancies for staff of the UNEP - Dams and Development Project, Cape
- 20.12.01:
Iceland's Environment Minister Gives Green Light to Hydro Power Project
- serious setback for conservation
- 20.12.01
: EEB vacancy for an EU-POLICY ASSISTANT
- 19.12.01:
Global Peatland Initiative Web Site
- 16.12.01 : Thailand:
The Pak Mun gates will remain open for one year
- 12.12.01:
UNESCO And Green Cross International Join Forces To Avert Water Conflicts
- 10.12.01:
Nile Basin States launch environment project
- 10.12.01:
New flood warning website will keep English and Welsh residents in
the know
- 08.12.01: NGO
Statement at the Bonn Conference on Freshwater
- 04.12.01:
World's Water Storage Capacity Shrinking as Dams Silt Up
- 28.11.01: WWF Launches
Five-Point Plan To Save The World's Water
- 27.11.01: International
coalition urges aluminum companies to scrap plans for Amazon dams
- 17.11.01:
More than half of the world's lakes and reservoirs face massive ecological
- 15.11.01:
European Parliament passes an important amendment against the Spanish
Hydrological Plan.
- 15.11.01:
Several articles concerning Balfour Beatty's withdrawal from Ilisu
dam project
- 14.11.01:
Campaigners Celebrate Ilisu Dam Campaign Victory
- 13.11.01:
Balfour Beatty Withdraws From Ilisu Dam Project
- 13.11.01:
River Indus: Flow has receded, resulting in acute shortage of water
- 13.11.01:
Small, Mountain Rivers Play Big Role In Ocean Sediment
- 12.11.01: "River
Basin Development: A Negotiated Approach" project seeks partners
- 12.11.01:
Budapest Memorandum on the Danube River Basin
- 08.11.01:
Bombing of Afghan Hydro Plant Could Cause Disaster, says UN
- 07.11.01: Morocco's
water resources threaten by cereals output
- 07.11.01: Hudson
river cleaning itself, but still needs help
- 05.11.01:
IUCN launches new strategy - global action to improve dams
- 05.11.01:
Guyana: Army on standby as dam bursts flooding village in east
- 05.11.01:
UK rivers runs cleaner but spoiled by rubbish
- 02.11.01: Sudan
embarks on gigantic hydroelectric dam project
- 02.11.01:
Interesting new link to Eurocat Project website ("Catchment basins
changes and their impact on the cost")
- 01.11.01:
Dams And Development Project Established (post WCD project)
- 01.11.01:
US bombs hit largest Afghan dam
- 01.11.01: Commission
gives new impetus to environmental co-operation in The Danube - Black
Sea region
- 30.10.01: Water
Pollution By Nitrates: Commission Takes Legal Action Against The United
Kingdom For Non-Compliance With Court Judgement
- 30.10.01:
Dam-Affected People Occupy Headquarters of Belgian Multinational Tractebel
in Rio de Janeiro
- 30.10.01:
New Dam on Paraguay/Argentine Border Could Halt Free Flow of Water
on Paraná
- 30.10.01:
Blair in drive for Turkish dam deal
- 29.10.01: One
of the world´s largest registers of research projects on the
environment available online
- 26.10.01:
Preparations for World Wetlands Day 2002 may now begin in earnest.
- 26.10.01: UK:
Flood-risk towns to receive revolutionary new barrier
- 26.10.01: Eutrophication
decreases in European coastal waters
- 24.10.01: Cyanide
spill Ghana's worst environmental disaster
- 23.10.01: First
pan-European guidance for Water Framework Directive implementation
(several languages)
- 18.10.01:East African
Water Clash slams Nile Treaty
- 16.10.01:
Macedonia: the Disappearance of Dojran Lake
- 13.10.01: German
Federal and Regional Ministers of Environment against new Czech dams.
- 12.10.01:
Power plant resettlement scheme heats up in Vietnam
- 09.10.01: Water
sources for China Yellow River dry up
- 09.10.01 :The Commission
on Environment of the European Parliament approves the amendment against
the Spanish National Hydrological Plan. (eng & fr)
- 04.10.01:
A new strategy for the bulgarian danube islands will ensure the protection
of natural floodplain forests
- 03.10.01:
Groups attack report on Turkish dam
- 03.10.01:
New Pacific Institute Report Examines Water Flow in Colorado River
Delta Region
- 03.10.01:
NGOs united to denounce the project of Ilisu dam, arguing that it
could be in breach of European Human Rights Act (eng & deu)
- 21.09.01: UK:
Half of people living in flood risk areas do not know
- 20.09.01: Vietnam
floods claim 122, including 108 children
- 20.09.01:
Job offer: ERN and SOS Loire Vivante are looking for a "Chargé(e)
du programme d'éducation de la jeunesse à la gestion de l'eau et de
l'environnement" (fr)
- 18.09.01: Creation
of Latin America's largest freshwater protected area (WWF)
- 14.09.01: Court
strikes down threatened salmon listing
- 14.09.01:
New study on the pollution of the Black Sea
- 13.09.01:
International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) thinks that "The
WCD recommendations are not universally applicable" and could
lead to "potentially disastrous" results "for developing
ICOLD Meeting: Large Dams and the WCD - an NGO
- 13.09.01: Symposium
on Wetlands in the Tropical Urban Environment, 28, 29, 30 November
2001, Luang Prabang (Lao Pdr)
- 12.09.01:
Hungary designates two new RAMSAR sites on the Slovak border
- 12.09.01: Trilateral
RAMSAR platform Morava-Dyje floodplains
- 12.09.01: Long-awaited
report. RAMSAR mission report on Ebro delta now available.
- 12.09.01: No
one's bathing in it yet, but the Seine River flowing through Paris
is less polluted and is attracting dozens of fish species, officials
- 12.09.01: International
River Drava Day September 28, 2001
- 12.09.01: ICOLD
69th Annual Meeting, September 2001, Dresden
- 11.09.01: The
Blue Marche brings its claims to the European Union in Brussels. (e
& fr)
- 07.09.01: THE BLUE
- 06.09.01:
Japan power firm cancels hydro power plant plan
- 05.09.01: Portugal/Alqueva:
Biggest Europe reservoir to start filling year end
- 03.09.01: USA:
Missouri River plan criticized by green groups
- 01.09.01:
The Blue Marche for a new Water Culture : Press Conference in Parliament
House (Assemblée Nationale) in Paris on september 4th (fr)
- 29.08.01:
The "Blue Marche For a New Water Culture in Europe" (Spain-Brussels)
in Lyon and Paris
27.08.01 : 1000 salmons in Dordogne (fr)
- 24.08.01:
USA: Farm pollution creating massive dead zones in bays and estuaries.
- 20.08.01:
VIETNAM 100,000 to be forced out as dam project floods land
- 20.08.01:
Sweden tightens criteria for "green" power
- 18.08.01:
The Blue Marche will enter France on August 20th ! (fr)
16.08.01: A virtual discussion for the Bonn Freshwater Conference
- 16.08.01:
Radioactive Russian waters worry Chelyabinsk Governor
- 15.08.01: Johannesburg
2002: The World Summit on Sustainable Development (also known as Rio
+ 10)
- 15.08.01: MANAGING
SHARED WATERS Conference : Towards Sustainable Transboundary Coastal
Ecosystems, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, June 24-28, 2002
- 14.08.01: PRESSURE
- 14.08.01:
UN: 2003 will be the International Year of Fresh Water
- 13.08.01:
Departure of the Blue Marche for a new water culture in Europe (eng
- 12.08.01: 2001
World Water Week in Stockholm and Stockholm Water Symposium have begun
- 10.08.01:
Spain victim of its "hydroschizophrenia" (fr)
- 07.08.01:
UK: Government launches new deal for hydroelectricity
- 06.08.01
: DAMS: Commission's spinoff to carry torch for reform
- 03.08.01:
Brazil reviewing big Amazon hydroelectric plant
- 03.08.01: UK Rivers
Network inaugural conference, Salisbury, Wilts 15/16th September 2001.
- 01.08.01
: Poland: Flood damages will increase in the future, if we do not
reserve areas prepared for flooding - warned WWF (eng & germ)
- 01.08.01:
EPA upholds plan to dredge Hudson River
- 01.08.01:
Iran drought turns lakes to scorched earth
- 31.07.01
: Deadly flood in Poland
- 30.07.01:
Nature has answer to global warming in France
- 27.07.01:
Meeting on Globalization and Water Management, August 6-7, Dundee,
- 27.07.01: Announcing
The Agroecology Summit On August 10, 2001 At Willow Lake Farm (Near
Windom, Minnesota)
- 24.07.01:
New dam in Mali will cause starvation and destroy ancient city
- 23.07.01:
Pakistan: Dams and Investments (Vision 2025)
- 14.07.01
: France and Portugal to introduce water tax
- 12.07.01 : Creating
a hatchery implies decommissioning of dams (eng & fr)
- 11.07.01: The
2nd European Youth Water Congress in Barcs, Hungary ( July 11ht-19th
- 08.07.01 : The
Tisza river, 18 months after the disaster. (fr)
- 07.07.01: First
Working Meeting of the Ukrainian River Network
- 06.07.01
: Scotland needs to strengthen its water controls in order to comply
with the European water directive
- 06.07.01
: France: the water bill released (fr)
- 05.07.01: Submissions
of nominations for the Stockholm Water Prize.
- 04.07.01: UK report
says 60,000 affected by Turkish dam plan
- 02.07.01: Europe/Spain:
a Blue March for a new water culture (eng & fr)
- 01.07.01: UK to
abandon support for the Ilisu dam
- 30.06.01: Programme
to end environmental degradation in Nile Basin receives first funds
- 30.06.01:
World Bank pledges US$ 27 million to improve water supply in Georgia
- 30.06.01:
Ireland legislates to protect rivers, estuaries and lakes from eutrophication
- 30.06.01: Austria
to use Danube for sustainable transport
- 27.06.01:
China: Chongqing launches campaign to prevent a Three Gorges cesspool
- 27.06.01
: 2001 Riversymposium River Business Turning Community Vision into
Reality, 29 to 31 August 2001, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
- 25.06.01
: Growing problems of eutrophication in Ireland
- 22.06.01:
France : Seine estuary : towards a better protection. (eng & fr)
- 21.06.01: Spanish
parliament passes controversial water law
- 21.06.01: Dams
accused of role in flooding
- 21.01.06:
Indian rivers "dying a slow death"
- 20.06.01:
Scottish Executive launches £180 million water improvement programme
- 19.06.01: Finnish
Court Blocks Hydropower Dam In Eastern Lapland
- 14.06.01:
2nd Round of Danube Lawsuit in The Hague (IRN)
- 03.06.01:
Mountain glaciers around the world are shrinking
- 03.06.01:
North Atlantic wild salmon on brink of extinction - WWF
- 31.05.01:
The Pak Moon dam a global example?
- 31.05.01:
Floods inundate some parts of the world, while others are parched
- 31.05.01:
Québec : people will be more involved in decisions concerning
power stations (en & fr)
- 29.05.01:
Fresh Initiative Taken To Refresh Nairobi River
- 29.05.01: National
Park Service Detains Environmental Leaders At Lake Powell
- 29.05.01 : Quebec:
425 MW small hydro against outdoor enthusiasts
- 24.05.01: More
Than One in Four Polluters Seriously Violating Clean Water Act Permits
- 23.05.01:
USA: Water and Environmental Experts Directory Launched by Water Strategist
Community (www.waterchat.com)
- 21.05.01: European
Bathing Water Cleaner Again Last Year
- 21.05.01: Eastern
Siberia Floods Worst In 100 Years
- 18.05.01:
Marshlands Of The Tigris-Euphrates Delta 90 Percent Gone
- 16.05.01:
Elbe river: Germany's Highest Court Fails to Halt Airbus Destruction
of Protected Wetland Habitat
- 13.05.01:
Dam Decommissioning in Czechia
- 12.05.01:
North America: Salmon protection reinforced in Columbia river basin
- 12.05.01:
Towards the Rio+10 and Beyond : E-Conference Invitation
- 11.05.01:
Mekong: Chinese dams are threatening 100 millions people
- 11.05.01
: USA: Federal Energy Commission reaches for control of hydropower
- 09.05.01
: Birth of the biggest European salmon hatchery on the Allier river,
France (fr)
- 09.05.01
: Balfour Beatty faces dam clash
- 06.05.01:
Wild chinook salmon may be extinct in 15 years
- 06.05.01:
Russia: Greenpeace against water pollution by toxic chemicals
- 06.05.01
: USA: Environmentalists sue government over salmon
- 05.05.01:
Widespread contamination threatens California's groundwater
- 05.05.01:
Eastern European governments pledge to improve Danube and encourage
sustainable development
- 05.05.01 : Portugal:
Condemnation of Europe's largest reservoir project grows
- 02.05.01: "
Water & Health ", May 31th & June 1st 2001, Palais des
Congrès, Metz, France. (eng & fr)
- 01.05.01:
Pak Mun Dam Gates to Open
- 01.05.01 : Turkey's
Gediz delta left out of protective grant
- 30.04.01
: "Lyon - Fleuves 2001" conference : Scientists & decision
makers: Acting together for sustainable management of our river systems,
Palais des Congrès, Lyon, France, June 6th -8th (eng &
- 28.04.01 : Mexico
comes clean on its water problem
- 26.04.01 : International
Conference on Fresh Water, Bonn, 3-7 December 2001.
- 24.01.01
: 2001 Goldman Prize awarded to environmental activists
- 24.04.01
: New Tearfund report: Global water crisis by 2025
- 23.04.01 : Croatia
: Minister of Environment canceled a dam project on the Drava river
(eng, fr & germ)
- 21.04.01
: China : New Gigantic Power Station in upper Mekong
- 20.04.01 : USA
: The battle over the Clean Water Act moves towards resolution.
- 20.04.01
: New WWF report on the quality of European rivers
- 19.04.01 :
Brazil : Dam-affected block access to IDB-funded dam
- 18.04.01
: Danube River: UNIDO allocates funds for pollution reduction
- 17.04.01
: France : a new law on water is being prepared (french)
- 17.04.01
: Consumers are prevented from using water efficiency measures
- 13.04.01 : Thailand
: Assembly of the Poor want amnesty for PM
- 11.04.01 : Energy
Production, Sprawl Threaten America's Rivers
- 09.04.01
: WCD Mention in G8 Environment Summit Communiqué
- 05.04.01 : WCD
Wins 2001 Institutional Award from International Association of Impact
- 05.04.01 : WCD:
Changing of the Guard: New Director Appointed for Transition Period
- 04.04.01 : Portugal:
Alqueva Dam: Over 1 million trees are to be cut down, and hundreds
of people are being displaced.
- 03.04.01
: Energy giant wins award for wetland creation
- 02.04.01
: Expert on water re-use wins international environment award
- 31.03.01 :
The Rhône river is ours ! ... against water privatization
... (french)
- 30.03.01 : Turkish
environmentalist jailed upholding supreme court ruling
- 29.03.01 : "Water
for People and Nature: a Forum on Conservation and Human Rights"
- 5-8 July 2001 in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.
- 29.03.01
: "Challenges of a Changing Earth" Conference - 10-13 July
2001 in Amsterdam.
- 28.03.01
: WHO (World Health Organisation) calls for health sector to become
involved in water management.
- 27.03.01: NGO
invests in Balfour Beatty
(building company) shares to prevent Ilisu Dam project
- 26.03.01
: UK : Environment Agency calls for greater water resources for the
- 21.03.01
: Position of the opponents of the World Commission on Dams recommendations.
- 20.03.01
: Latest NGO declarations concerning the WCD final report.
- 19.03.01
: The common letter of 85 NGOs to the World Bank (Follow-up
to the World Commission on Dams)
- 19.03.01 : Water
Symposium : New edition in Luzern (Switzerland) on July 15th 2001(
following the great success of the 1st one ...)
- 18.03.01 : 2004
Olympic games in Greece are threatening wildlife habitats.
- 18.03.01 : Pakistan
: Raising Height of Mangla to displace over 40000 people
- 17.03.01
: Flood plain drainage blamed for severity of Eastern Europe floods
- 16.03.01 : Petition
to Stop the Bakun Dam
- 15.03.01 :
"Minister Müller, say NO to Ilisu and Tehri
dams !" (germ)
- 15.03.01 : Balfour
Beatty company challenged over Ilisu Dam
- 15.03.01
: Medha Patkar, anti-dam activist, arrested in Bombay
- 15.03.01
: Portugese guarantee to Maheshwar Project refused
- 14.03.01 : Pakistan:
Small dams planned all over country
- 14.03.01
: Dam protesters occupy Brazil's Ministry of Energy
- 13.03.01 : Protesters
urge Spain to scrap water plan
- 13.03.01
: Malaisia : the government wants to go forward with the Bakun dam
project !
- 13.03.01
: India / Koel Karo Dam : 8 anti-dam villagers killed by the police.
- 12.03.01:
Announcement: International Day of Action Against Dams and
for Rivers ,Water and Life
- 10.03.01
: Toxic chemicals found in Great Lakes salmon
- 10.03.01
: Mozambique 'inches from disaster'
- 09.03.01
: EU probed as German wetlands saga gets murkier.
- 09.03.01
: Mozambique : Floods Should Prompt Dam Rethink
- 09.03.01
: Record floods claim seven lives in Ukraine
- 06.03.01 : Medicinemen,
activists pray for decommissioning of Navajo Dam.
- 04.03.01:
China: Two more Yangtze dams planned
- 03.03.01
: UK : Non-profit company can go ahead with acquisition of Welsh Water
- 02.03.01:
Controversial dam project in Belize.
- 02.03.01 : German
justice allows the building of a highly controversial factory building
on a protected wetland
- 28.02.01
: Conference announcement: The role of Water
in History and Development
- 27.02.01 : Sand
muddies legal waters in German wetland fight
- 25.02.01
: Thousands march in Spain to protest the national hydraulic plan
- 23.02.01 : Controversial
US dams violate Clean Water Act
- 17.02.01 : Spanish
government approves controversial water plan
- 16.02.01 : Water
for People and Nature: A Forum on Conservation and Human Rights
- 14.02.01 : China
: Official internal documents say that the Three Gorges dam will lead
to huge environmental problems and will not provide the promised flood
- 12.02.01 : Portugal
: Activists are fighting against the biggest dam project of Europe.
- 04.02.01: Court
upholds protection of river Danube
- 02.02.01
: World Wetlands Day
- 01.02.01
: Indian Quake Shakes Up Fear Of Dam Collapse
- 28.01.01
: Ghana: The Bui hydroelectric project will flood a National Park
- 26.01.01
: Three Gorges : a huge river diversion scheme is to begin next year.
- 22.01.01
: Romania reports river pollution with cyanide
- 19.01.01
: Gold Hill Dam Removal Becomes Military Exercise
- 14.01.01
: India's Ganges, a holy river of pollution
: Publication of an EEB report on the Water Framework Directive
and the European Union Water Policy
- 11.01.01
: Kenyan Dam Protester Arrested
- 08.01.01
: Spain appeals ruling in toxic spill case
- 03.01.01 : Norway
: Prime Minister announced the end of large-scale hydropower developments
- 02.01.01
: Announcement of an international conference on the impact of reservoirs
to the emissions of greenhouse gases.
- 01.01.01 : The
text of the Water Framework Directive (EU) is online (in all languages).
News 2000