
les News 2004
- 20.12.03
: A project to save the Aral Sea
: Now available :The Rasi Salai Declaration endorsed at the
Second International Meeting of Dam Affected People and their
Allies in Rasi Salai, Thailand, 28 November - 4 December 2003
: EU : Decision delayed on Spanish water transfer
: Nile: Work to start on Sudan dam
- 12.12.03
: Czech parliament opens way to cancel the anti dam position (Elbe
River) of its environment minister (ger)
- 11.12.03
: Twelf reasons why large hydro should be excluded from global
efforts to promote renewable energy (NGO Report)
- 10.12.03
: Environment ministery in Prag against dam building on the elbe
river (ger)
- 08.12.03
: Espagne/PHN : NGOs call for sending e mail to EU Commisioners
- 04.12.03
: EU Commission's Environment Directorate support for the the
Jucár-Vinalopó Project, what is a part of the highly
criticised Ebro transfer
- 18.11.03
: EU DG Environment Position Paper on Flood prevention and protection
for discussion on the meeting of the Water Directors of 24/25
November 2003 in Rome.
- 12.11.03
: Social Forum Europe in Paris (Nov 12-15) : workshops and seminarys
(some managed by ERN)
: New scheme for reservoirs and desalination plants across England
- 07.11.03
: The european campaign for a new water culture and against the
spanish hydrological plan opens the "blue embassy"
- 04.11.03
: Less acid rain over Norwegian lakes and rivers
- 04.11.03
: Croatia: Novo Virje dam: an ecological disaster and against
EU law
- 03.11.03
: Hydro 2003 Conference: Hydropower schemes must become more sustainable
- 30.10.03
: Dikes bulldozed in Danube Delta (WWF)
- 22.10.03
: Announcement: Nov 28 - Dec 3, 2003 Second International Meeting
of Dam-Affected People and their Allies Rasi Salai, Thailand
- 14.10.03
: Switzerland: The Youth Parliament for Water act to save Europe's
- 14.10.03
: France and the european water framework directive : public consultation
- 14.10.03
: Oil-Rich Central Asia Battles for Water
- 10.10.03
: Europes largest water bridge opens
- 09.10.03
: Icelandic dam saga raises hope and dread
- 08.10.03
: Brussels steps in to solve Spanish water row
- 06.10.03
: RAMSAR - moldova designates the lower dniester
- 01.10.03
: California Moves to End Colorado River Water Wars
: The EU DH Environment publish its first Water Framework
Directive Newsletter (pdf file)
: Plan for Tibet Dam sets off protests
- 25.09.03
: Envisat radar altimetry tracks river levels worldwide
- 23.09.03
: Environmental groups including WWF are calling for an immediate
halt to river regulation and gravel excavation activities that
are destroying the last-remaining natural stretches of the Drava
and Mura rivers in Croatia.
- 22.09.03
: European Commission proposals fail to protect groundwater (EEB
Press release)
- 16.09.03
: Iraq wants to clinch water deal with Syria, Turkey (Reuter)
- 15.09.03
: Nigeria: Power firm floods more than 100 Nigerian villages (AFP)
- 12.09.03
: WWF urges Iceland to establish protected areas in wake of controversial
Kárahnjúkar dam decision
- 12.09.03
: Restoring the Rio Grande (el Rio Bravo)
- 05.09.03
: Protected forests best method for clean city water supplies
- 22.08.03
: Bush Rejects Razing Dams to Make Way for Salmon
- 14.08.03
: Dutch flood waterways with seawater to beat drought
- 11.08.03
: Heatwave Kills 30,000 Eels in Europe's River Rhine
- 08.08.03
: Germany: Trittin presents draft Flood Control Act -Give our
rivers more room - before they take it themselves
- 08.08.03
: HudsonRiver : Study shows that highly polluted riverbeds can
recover environmental health
- 04.08.03
: Environmentalists Warn of Roads, Dams in Amazon
- 02.08.03
: Four contaminated urban rivers to be restored
- 01.08.03
: Hidden problems with China's dams
: Spain : New Water Culture Foundation and WWF Report : the
Ebro water transfer is a waste of money.
- 22.07.03
: Bio Bio / Chile :- Four elderly Pehuenche Indian women are blocking
completion of a $570 million hydroelectric dam.
- 21.07.03
: Ramsar Convention : Germany designates parts of the Elbe floodplain
- 18.07.03
EDF, leading member of the consortium to build the
controversal Nam Theun 2 Dam (Laos), mouves out of the consortium.
- 16.07.03
: Rowing the Danube to draw attention to the need for continued
social and environmental improvement along the Danube.
- 16.07.03
: Spain/NHP : urgent objections sheet to sign against Ebro water
tansferts (in engl/french/spanish).
- 13.07.03
: UK River News (Summer News 2003)
- 12.07.03
: Yangtze River dam floods 1,200 sites
- 10.07.03
: China begins commercial power generation at Three Gorges Dam
- 01.07.03
: "Father Rhine" shows signs of improvement
- 24.06.03
: European co-financing of NHP blocked by the Environment European
Commission (fr/eng).
- 16.06.03
: Spain : Eviction of Itoitz village : people is resisting (fr/sp/engl).
- 12.06.03
: Chinese official says cracks in Three Gorges dam must be repaired
(AP, by Christopher Bodeen)
- 12.06.03
: China's Three Gorges fills faster than expected
- 10.06.03
: The state of freshwater in the world
- 06.06.03
: New worrying trend for bathing waters in Europe
- 02.06.03
: G8 EVIAN: Water - Action Plan
- 30.05.03
: Iraq's dried-out marshlands reviving, UN says
: Austria to build 350 million euro hydro plants in Bosnia
- 16.05.03
- 08.05.03
: Kiev / Ukraine: a last chance to save despoilation of the danube
- 07.05.03
: Greens may delay Brazil Amazon hydro scheme
- 06.05.03
: Water transfers are increasing the water crisis (EEB/WWF)
- 24.04.03
: China's dam-safety monitoring system 'in chaos'
- 18.04.03
: seconde SedNet international conference :" Sustainable
Solutions for Sediment Management at River Basin Scale"
- 17.04.03
: EU Commission sends warnings to Ireland, France, Spain and
Greece (Edie News).
- 17.04.03
: Ebro :spain public opinion divided
- 14.04.03
: Pedro Arrojo,
leader of the mouvment against the spanish national Hydro Plan
wins Goldman Price 2003
- 12.04.03
: China / 3gorges : Dam begins to store water
- 10.04.03
: Meeting of the "Mediterranean Youth Parliament for Water"in
- 09.04.03
: EU : WATERTIME, a new Waterprogram
- 06.04.03
: Human Rights Crisis at Three Gorges as Officials Plan to Fill
- 02.04.03
: Iraq : Biblical Garden of Eden to disappear in five years
- 23.03.03
: WWF today condemned governments at the World Water Forum for
their failure to commit to a sustainable approach to ensure adequate
water supply and sanitation.
- 22.03.03
: 30 000 people celebrated World Water Day in the Ebro Delta.
- 17.03.03
: Don't bank on dams alone, urges WWF (at the World Water Forum
- 13.03.03
: international debate "Debating the water transfers of the
Spanish National Hydrological Plan" will be held by video-conference.
- 10.03.03
: Stop Alcoa From Destroying Iceland's Wilderness!
- 08.03.03
: Spain designates 10 new RAMSAR sites and extends an existing
- 05.03.03
: European flood protection: Papers of intl. workshop "PRECAUTIONARY
- 04.03.03
: UN warns of futur water crisis
- 02.03.03
: Spanien: Hundred of Thousands protest in favor of polemic water
plan (AP)
- 28.02.03
: China : Don't ignore downsides of dams, official warns
- 26.02.03
: Signing of Rhine cooperation agreement in Kyoto
- 25.02.03
: EU tax payers should not fund Spain's damaging water plan
- 24.02.03
: Conferenc Announcement: the 21st ICOLD Congress and the annual
meeting will be held in Montréal from June 11-20, 2003.
- 19.02.03
: Announcement 1st People World Water Forum ( 21./22. March,

: second call for Preregistration and Abstract Submission.
29.09 - 2.10.2003 Conference
on Lowland River Rehabilitation, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Participants will be selected based on preliminary registration
(The deadline for preregistration and submitting abstracts
will be extended to March 1, 2003).
: Conferenc
announcement: European Conference on the role of territorial
authorities in the management of river basin: an analysis of
the Danube Turnu Magurele (Romania), 10-11-12 April 2003
- 01.02.03
: Water Framework Directive will be good for revenue and employment
- 11.01.03
: Computer model predicts nitrogen loading across large basins
- 10.01.03
: China launches largest water diversion project in the world