by ERN 

European Rivers Network


Photo Loireschloss

The Loire River Basin

Direct access to
Loire related content :


Dam Decommissioning
(France and international)

Voyage au coeur de la Loire

SOS Loire Vivante

Estuaire vivant / DongeEst project
(french only)

more RiverNet content :

Information's on other River basins, Projects
& Campaigns
from Danube via Loire, Narmada, Three Gorges to Wolga..... 
Select in our worldwide list !

RiverLink international
addresses and websites

mail lists

one of our publications


About Rivers
Basics. What is a river, a living River? 

Dam Decommissioning

Sustainable Waterpolicy & Rivermanagment

Educational Projects

About RiverNet and ERN



General information :

Please find news ( mostly in french) on the following websites :

European and World News on rivers


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These pages and their content are © Copyright of European Rivers Network.