main goal of European Rivers Network (ERN)
seeks to promote the sustainable wise management of living rivers
and water in opposition to the exploitation, pollution and degradation
that has occurred in the past.
European Rivers Network is a European information and collaboration
network of organisations and individuals working in the field
of river protection.
aim of ERN is to link groups, organisations and persons working
for the protection of rivers and to improve communication between
them. (environment, culture, education and human rights).
European Rivers Network (ERN) was founded 1994 by Roberto A.
Epple as a project of SOS Loire Vivante, now ERN France
- SOS Loire Vivante (NGO french "loi 1901", founded
in 1989) in technical cooperation with IRN (International Rivers
Network), WWF and other partners.
projects and campaigns :
Black Hydro - Damwatch : a campaign against 'bad dams"
and for a labelisation of "good dams". (Start : 2016)
Setup the Wild Rivers Project and the associated "Wild
Rivers Fund ("Rivières sauvages") inluding
the creation of labels.
Supporting or and Leading Dam Decommissioning Campaigns in
France and Europe,
Sélune libre and Le Nouveau Poutès
Support for world wide campaigns against destructive
water development projects. (We apply the WCD Recommondation
to evaluat projects)
Internationam Coordination of the Campaigns "Salmon
Comeback" to Switzerland 2020) in cooperation with
WWF Switzerland.
Rivers of pictures and flows of words a educational
project for yung people. It promotes since 1996 through the
arts watershed awareness. (multidisciplinary approach) .
BIG JUMP 2005-2015 Campaign : ERN is the Initiator and
Coordinator of the Big Jump (International River Swimming Day).
Big Jump aims at reconciliating people with their
rivers and to gain people's support to the big European restoration
effort for rivers and wetlands suchas the huge Water Framework
Directive of the European Community. Over 350 000 peoples, along
31 rivers basins in 22 countries participated in 2005 !
Running RIVERNET (the Web
Portal for living rivers).
RIVERNET offers multilingual information concerning rivers and
their watersheds,
(over 2000 every day in 2008)
Establishing a UNESCO
Biosphere on the upper Loire Valley in France
Co-ordination of the Loire
Vivante Network (Living Loire, France)
Publishing the e-mail based RiverNews (former RiverFax).
This delivers important multilingual information about current
events related to rivers of Europe and the world. ERN supports
other thematical and river basin focused e-mail work groups
Developing a webbased RiverInfo Systemweb (GIS) (project
Partner in AQUANET EUROPE FOUNDATION (project completed)
Five non-profit organizations in Europe, based in Spain (Fundacion
Nueva Cultura del Agua), Belgium ( RIOU ), The Netherlands (Stichting
Reinwater), France (European Rivers Network - ERN) and Italy
(Gruppo 183 - Onlus), and dealing with issues related to the
sustainable development of water resources have united to form
a new organization.The aim of the organization is the sustainable
management of waters and the related ecosystems in the European
The organization realises its aim by:
a) organisation and co-ordination of national and international
b) monitoring and promotion of the implementation of the EU
Water Framework Directive and related EU provisions;
c) exchange of knowledge and experience on best practices;
d) stimulation of relevant educational, scientific and publicity
activities at both national and international level;
e) raising of public awareness. The organization acts in co-operation
with public or private bodies concerned for the protection and
management of water, both at national and international level.
Its activities cover the whole of the European Union as well
as the areas of the world concerned by the European Union's
Partner in the RhineNet
Project (EU InterReg 3b Project), (project completed)
Developing participative management for the Rhine.
Objectives : " The identification and development of lasting
practices in water management, which have as a goal the enforcement
and development of the Rhine habitat towards a good ecological
quality while considering citizen interests
" The mitigation of user conflicts"
" The promotion of international cooperation between citizens,
institutions, authorities and municipalities and the dissemination
of know how
Clearinghouse for the european campaign against Spains
National Hydrological Plan
in cooperation with the spanish NGOs. (project completed in 2006)
Consulting and Participation in the Lebendige
Elbe” (Living Elbe campaign (a DUH and G+J project) with
the main goal to link the more than 400 organisations and to establish
a Network of UNESCO Worldheritage and UNESCO MaB Site along the
Elbe river. (Project completed, 1998 - 2008)
Contacts :
Main and Westeuropean Office
8 rue Crozatier,
43000 Le Puy, Southern France
Phone +33 471 02 08 14 Fax +33 471 02 60 99
infos at ern.org www.ern.org
Ask for our liste of antennas in the main european river basins
contact us : infos (at) ern.org :
Europe / générale
Roberto A. Epple Le Puy / France
and Geneva / Switzerland
Central and East Europe including Eurasie,
Alfred Olfert, Dresden / Germany +49 351 31
37 841
Coordination France
and Head Conservation projects and Campaigns:
Simon Burner, Le Puy (France), Directeur
/ Secrétariat:
Christele Tran Le Puy / France
Cathrine Ribeyre
BlackHydro & dam removal & ecological
Ronot-Forst, Le Puy
of ecosysteme and biodiversity
including management of our sites Bonnefont,Lauzet,Chambon
in France)
Ronot-Forst, Le Puy
Education :
Lucie Galland Le Puy / France
Anne Fanny Profit (Antenne Orléans
/ France)
Rivers (Rivières sauvages)
Lucie Galland (Le Puy / France)
Mélanie Taquet (prox. Bourge
en Bresse)
Conseillé externe : Denis Caudron
du fleuve
Alexis Pasquet (Antenne Paris/ France)
Conseillé externe : Martin Arnould
/ Cartography
Lucie Galland Le puy France
Ute Ruf, région Strasbourg, France
/ Allemagne
Bonnefont (Info Center Haute Vallée
Loire, France)
Jean Paul Chabanon, Le Puy / France
Elian Fontvielle, Le Puy / France

s multilingual Web Portal
for Living Rivers
ERNs work :
go to the projects links

you know our great poster
"European River Basins" ?

co founded by ERN

Comission on Dams
(Dam & Devellopment)
dates of the next
BIG JUMP are fixed !