The step of the Youth Parliaments for Water was taken by Solidarity
Water Europe (SEE) in 1999 in Espalion, at the first European
Youth Parliament for Water.
The Youth Parliaments for Water are intercultural and intergenerational
meetings which gather around the theme of water, professionals
(educationalists, scientists, local representatives, technicians,
engineers.......) and young citizens involved in a local project
(public awareness, site cleaning, water resource protection, access
to water.......).
The Parliaments' aims are the following :
ˇ To involve young people in water management by supporting those
who take action for water throughout Europe, at school, in an
organisation or in their family environment.
ˇ To encourage young people in the process of learning democracy
and citizenship.
ˇ To heighten youth and adults' awareness of active water management
in the field of hydrographical basins.
ˇ To promote exchanges, intercultural meetings and debates between
young people and adults on the theme of water management. The
theme depends on the Parliament location.
- The first
european Youth Water Parliament (Espalion 1999 France, organized
byr SEE in cooperation with the city of Espalion and Green Belgium)
SEE, external
Site of the german delegation excellent, in german only
- The Youth
Parliament of the Rhine River Basin (Selesta / France, 2000,
organized by SEE in cooperation with ERN and others)
external Link)
- The local
Youth Water Parliament in Verviers
(Belgium, 2000, organized by Green Belgium)
external Link)
- The second
european Youth Water Parliament in Barcs (2001, Hungary, organized
by SEE in cooperation with, ERN, Green Belgium + Panonia, Collčge
Louis Denayrouze, Duna-Drava National parc, Commenius freshwater
network )
3rd European Youth Congress for Water, (2003, Geel, Belgium,
organized by KOGEKA schools community, the city of Geel, the NGO
GREEN Belgium and the five youngsters that were elected at the
previous Congress as Youth Water Representatives (YWR)
(Splash, external)
- Le Youth
Water Parliament of the mediterranean basin (Malte 2003, coorganized
by SEE and ERN) (SEE,
external Link)
4 the European
Youth Parliament for Water : September 1- 7, 2003 in Bulgaria
Information sur le site d'Earth forever:
The 5th European Youth Parliament for Water 'from the source to
the Delta"
was organised by Solidarity Water Europe in cooperation with ERN
(Euroean Rivers Network) ,and supported by the Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation, as part of the United Nations Year
of Freshwater. (2003, en Suisse)
more information on
ERN Website (pdf files) in : english
français deutsch
SEE Website
1999 France
1999 France
széchenyi Férencs Gimnasiu
in Barcs, 2001 Hungary
