Sept - 2 October 2003
Conference on Lowland
River Rehabilitation, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Second Call for Preregistration and Abstract Submission.
extended deadline: March 1, 2003.
Registration forms
and abstracts can be sent to LRR2003@RIZA.RWS.MINVENW.NL.
NCR and RIZA will
host an international conference on lowland river rehabilitation, and
invite participation by river scientists, managers and policy makers.
Regulating rivers has reduced the natural dynamic processes, altered
the landscape and its biodiversity. Along large rivers that serve manifold
functions, rehabilitation attempts have recovered stretches or certain
features, but complete restoration probably will be an utopia. How sustainable
or effective are we so far; how well did we assess our achievements;
what are the costs and benefits, opportunities and constraints, the
end-points? Target groups are scientists, managers, policy makers and
environmental NGOs affiliated with river rehabilitation.
We aim at a small-sized conference (* 100 participants), where participants
will be selected based on preliminary registration (deadline 15 February
2003). Selection criteria are ...
1) Topic of the presentation,
2) Geographic region (Europe / North America), and
3) The role or expertise in river rehabilitation (scientist/manager/policy
maker/environmental NGO etc.) ... in order to achieve a balanced composition
in presentations and participants.
The programme will
cover 3 days of presentations and a mid-conference excursion focussing
on river rehabilitation and other large river functions.
Forms and more informations
are also available at the website of the Netherlands Centre for River
Registration forms
and abstracts can be sent to LRR2003@RIZA.RWS.MINVENW.NL.
10th World Lake Conference
will be held in Chicago, on the shores of Lake, Michigan, from 22-26
June 2003
The conference will be co-hosted by ILEC and the International Association
of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR). The theme is "Global Threats to
Large Lakes: Managing in an Environment of Instability and Unpredictability"
Further details are available on either IAGLR's or ILEC's websites:
A call for papers has been issued and abstracts are due by 13 December
British Hydrological Society International
Conference On Hydrology: Science And Practice For The 21st Century,
12 -16 July 2004, London - UK
The purpose of the conference is to bring together hydrologists involved
in scientific research and operational practice in order to address
key issues affecting hydrology in the new century. These include the
impact of a growing world population, the need for poverty alleviation
and the increasing demand on limited water resources, complicated by
the potential impacts of climate change on catchments and their associated
ecosystems. A preliminary circular giving further details can be downloaded
from the web page (<http://www.hydrology.org.uk/BHS2004.htm>).
Alternatively information on the conference can be obtained via the
main BHS web site (<http://www.hydrology.org.uk>). Please keep
an eye on this site for further updates on the conference.
Toilet 2003, 1st International Dry Toilet Conference, 20-23 August 2003,
The first international Dry Toilet conference to be held
at the University of Tampere, Finland in August 2003 is organised by
the Global Sanitet Club of Finland and the Association of Ecological
Information in co-operation with Tampere University of Technology (TUT),
University of Tampere (UTA), Tampere Polytechnic (TP) and Häme
Polytechnic. The goal of the conference is to bring together for the
first time researchers, designers, officials, manufacturers, and other
related stakeholders and parties to discuss dry toilets as a viable
option to waste management especially in areas with water shortages
or without water-borne sewage systems.
More information at http://www.drytoilet.org/
Water Week', 10-15 December 2002, Athens - GREECE
A. Mediterranean
Workshop on Water, Wetlands and Climate Change, 10-11 December 2002,
Athens, organized by IUCN and GWP-Med The Workshop is part of the global
Dialogue on Water and Climate. The results will be presented at the
Dialogue's Synthesis Workshop, 17-18 December 2002, Dhaka to prepare
for the 3rd World Water Forum, March 2003, Kyoto.
B. Mediterranean Regional Dialogue of Parliamentarians, NGOs and other
Stakeholders on the protection of the Mediterranean environment and
prospects for the sustainable development of the region, 12-13 December
2002, Athens,
Priority theme: Making Water Governance Effective in the Mediterranean
- The Role of Parliamentarians", organized by GWP-Med and MIO-ECSDE.
The Workshop is part of the Mediterranean Dialogue on Effective Water
Governance. The outcomes will be part of the Mediterranean report of
the Dialogue that will be presented at the 3rd World Water Forum, March
2003, Kyoto.
C. Mediterranean Workshop on Environmental Education - the Mediterranean
Perspective, 14-15 December 2002, Athens, Organised by MIO-ECSDE The
Workshop is the 1st Educational Workshop of MEDIES. MEDIES is the Mediterranean
Education Initiative for Environment and Sustainability, with emphasis
on Water and Waste, launched as Type II Initiative in Johannesburg.
The promotion and application in the region of the MIO-ECSDE / GWP-Med
Educational Package on 'Water in the Mediterranean' is one of the major
process of MEDIES.
For further information on this Mediterranean Waterweek, please visit
Wyndham Bonaventure,
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 24-27 February 2002
The Water Environment Federation and the Florida Water Environment Association
are sponsoring the international specialty conference WATERSHED 2002,
with the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office
of Water, USEPA-Region 4, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Park
Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Florida Department
of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District,
American Water Works Association, and Audubon of Florida. Fourth in
a series, WATERSHED 2002 will explore the challenges of managing the
world's watersheds while highlighting the unique issues of the Conference's
host region, South Florida. WATERSHED 2002 will include 144 oral presentations,
3 panel discussions, 10 posters, 4 workshops, and 4 tours. The Keynote
Address will be delivered by G. Tracy Mehan, III, Assistant Administrator
for Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
For complete information, please visit: http://www.wef.org/conferences/Watershed2002/opening.jhtml
Zones Humides
Le 29 janvier
2002, le Comité de Bassin Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse
organise, au Palais des Congrès de Lyon, des Assises sur le thème
de la protection des zones humides.
Le Comité de Bassin s'est engagé depuis 4 ans à
mobiliser ses partenaires (communes, commissions locales de l'eau, syndicats
mixtes, conseils généraux, services de l'Etat...) pour
protéger les zones humides. Il est essentiel qu'un autre regard
soit porté sur ces milieux indispensables à la préservation
de la ressource en eau.
L'adoption en 2000 d'une Charte qui propose 5 grands principes à
respecter pour la sauvegarde de ces milieux, a constitué la première
grande étape de cet engagement.
La seconde sera la tenue d'Assises, le 29 janvier prochain, à
quelques jours de la journée mondiale des zones humides, le 2
Les Assises
Zones Humides, en offrant une tribune aux acteurs du Bassin impliqués
dans leur gestion, permettront de faire un bilan des actions réalisées
ou en projet, de valoriser les expériences exemplaires, de mettre
en exergue les acquis et avancées et de proposer des réponses
aux difficultés rencontrées. Les résultats attendus
sont multiples :
" inciter les décideurs à un réflexe zones
" mettre en cohérence les politiques publiques en matière
de financement,
" aboutir concrètement à un engagement des élus
sur la mise en place d'inventaires et à l'élaboration
de volet zones humides dans les SAGE et les contrats de milieux,
" établir un réseau structuré des partenaires
de la Charte.
L'organisation de cette manifestation a été confiée
à l'Agence de l'Eau RMC et à la Direction Régionale
(Rhône-Alpes) de l'Environnement, DIREN.
des Assises :
Agence de l'Eau Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse
2-4, allée de Lodz - 69363 Lyon Cedex 07 - Tél : 04 72
71 26 57 - Fax : 04 72 71 26 03
DIREN Rhône-Alpes - Délégation de Bassin Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse
19, rue de la Villette - 69425 Lyon Cedex 03 - Tél : 04 72 13
83 15 - Fax : 04 72 13 83 59