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September 2004,
Blois, France.
Last year of functionning for the dam
Photo : Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche
January 2005,
Blois, France.
The dam is definitively lowered before decommissioning
and restoration of the place
Photo : Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche
retour à la page pricipale de RiverNet
The Blois' movable
dam was built in 1970 in the department Loir et Cher (41). Its aim was
to create a spare-time's base. In high position from June to October,
it stood in the way of the salmon's migration. Although there was a
fish pass on the right bank of the river, it was non operational and
the one on the left side was never built.
Within the framework of the Plan Loire Grandeur Nature, the Management
Plan for migratory fishes 2003-2007 identified this obstacle as one
of the black point to be solved in priority. According to the specialists
of the Council for fishing, no technical solution was conceivable. The
collective "l'Avenir du fleuve se construit sans barrage"
(the future of the river is to build without dam) then opposed to the
renewal of the concession. Given until then to the Conseil General 41,
the concession was not renewed when it fell due the 17th April 2005.
The prefectoral bylaw of the 14th April 2005 ordered to restore the
place and to keep the floodgates opened till the dismantling works.
